Pointe West II street view from 2022
Pointe West II condos in 2022.


For owners and residents of Pointe West II


Why create this website?

We are reaching out to owners of Pointe West II, to provide an "open" venue to discuss matters that are important to us.

Once we can identify some common grounds, owners would have to put their differences aside and agree with some level of concensus and decide what is in the best interest for our condo as a whole moving forward.

We can no longer remain silent nor be so divided, and as a collective group of owners we can bring about productive positive change and take control over "our" community, "our" finances and "our" future, together.


When we leave our future at the hands of others...

...we are essentially leaving our wallets wide open for others to spend as they wish.

So its important that owners attend these seemingly mundane and often boring condo meetings, to protect our wallets and our investment in this condo.

It really only takes 1 to 2 hours of our precious time, and at $25/hr give or take, so lets say $25 to $50 worth, its very little in comparison to the potential downside of $500 to $10,000 to $20,000 in special assessments, or even possibly discourage and prevent annual monthly condo fee increases by encouraging a more pro-active long term planning mindset. So it's a very small price to pay, for such enormous consequences if we don't bother to attend these important condo meetings.

Attending meetings, insures Board members are held accountable for their actions and inactions, enforces transparency and communications, and helps to inject new Board members with fresh voices, new ideas, and improved condo management skills.

Our current Board has been "elected by acclamation" for possibly the past 10-24 years, meaning relatively few other condo owners have stepped forth to vote or get involved in selecting new Board members. Congratulations for such great dedication of service, but not so great when Board members suddenly start running out of ideas or they mistakenly believe they have the experience to handle more complex scenarios like a balcony construction project, or the old-school management skillsets from 10-20 years past are no longer the most efficient and effective ways in today's new condo management environment.

This PW2Condo.com website is specifically tailored to raise awareness, push for more owner involvement, bring about a more community based effort, and to push for constructive change to how condo decisions are supposed to be made.


What are your thoughts?

To begin, we would really like to hear your thoughts about your experiences with living at Pointe West II condo, as well as things that you would like to see improved.

With any particular improvement it must be backed up by a group of owners willing to exert the required effort to bring about that change, otherwise it will go nowhere. So words need to be followed up by action.

So let's begin with a survey. You will need to register, but once you are registered you can visit any part of the website by logging in.